To initiate a return, contact our customer service team within 30 days of receiving your product. In your message, include your order number, a description of the product, and the reason for dissatisfaction. Photos of the product, especially for defective or damaged items, are required to facilitate the return process.

Once we receive your request, our team will review it and respond within 24-48 hours. If needed, we may ask for additional details or photos. Each claim is reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure it meets our return policy criteria.

For products with minor issues, such as bedding with small defects, we may offer troubleshooting steps before approving a return. This allows us to resolve the issue quickly and avoid unnecessary returns.

Approved returns will be issued a return shipping label for defective items. For non-defective returns, the customer is responsible for shipping costs. Once the product is returned and inspected, we will issue a refund or store credit, depending on the condition of the returned item.


Free return shipping is available only for defective items. Non-defective returns require the customer to cover the shipping cost.


If part of your order is defective or if you wish to keep part of the product, we may offer a partial refund or store credit as an alternative to returning the entire item.

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